21st Century Workforce Technical Training
Preparing Today’s Learners For a Flexible Future
Preparing Today’s Learners For a Flexible Future
We are a comprehensive 21st Century rigorous Cisco Networking Academy. We pride ourselves on preparing today’s learners for 21st Century technology. We are dedicated to delivering training to advance our community. We equip our scholars with a comprehensive training track so they have working knowledge in the field entering and can compete with more experience engineers out of the gate. Whether you are taking beginner steps in learning technology, enhancing your business, or advancing your career we will give you the skills and tools necessary for success. Here at NexGen Tech we pride ourselves in advancing salaries, knowledge, and securing the careers for the flexible future .
Kofi Annan
Specialize in one of these two career-ready tracks in the field of networking/ security or NetOps/DevOps. Each track is aligned to industry-leading certifications, which employers look for as validation of your exceptional skill. Browse the tracks below to see course descriptions, job trends, and links to certification exam detail.
Your future is here - what are you waiting for?